Become a FLEFF Junior Fellow and experience the 19th Edition of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival from the inside in this special mini course. This one credit mini-course provides a guided experience through all facets of this multi-disciplinary festival.
Students learn the history, operations, and functions of film festivals and where FLEFF fits in this international world where industry meets arts and film meets music, new media, scholars, activists, and writers.
GCOM 12000-01, 02, 03 FLEFF FESTIVALS
One Credit Mini-Course Block II Spring 2016
Sat March 26, two hour sessions for each section on campus
Friday April 1 FLEFF 7-9:30 at Cinemapolis
Sat April 2 FLEFF 12-7 at Cinemapolis
Sat April 9 Reflection and Lessons learned, one hour sessions for each section on campus
All students enrolled in FLEFF are designated FLEFF Junior Fellows, a title that is excellent for building a resume in the arts/entertainment industry worlds. The FLEFF Junior Fellow program is also the gateway for more advanced and intensive FLEFF intern experiences as bloggers.
Students are required to purchase a FLEFF Film Festival pass at the student rate, $20 for five films. There is also one book,Film Festivals: Culture, People, and Power on the Global Screen, by Cindy Hing-Yuk Wong (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2011) available online through the IC library.
The course is team taught by two long-time FLEFF curators/programmers and media professionals:
Claudia Costa Pederson is assistant professor of art history at Wichita State University. She is also the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Assistant Curator for New Media. Her writings on play, videogames, digital photography, and techno-ecological art are published in Review: Literature and Art of the Americas, Journal of Peer Production, Afterimage, Intelligent Agent, Eludamos, as well as the ISEA, DAC, and CHI conference proceedings. Recent curatorial projects include, Gün, with Turkish women working in the intersections of media and feminism, Home/s, a collaboration with Turkish and Greek women at the Benaki museum, Athens, Greece, and And Everything Else, on gendered labor at the EFA Project Space in New York City.
Karen Rodriguez is a producer at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, where she produces films on conservation and science. Her first job was on the film set of Rick Schmidt’s independent feature American Orpheus, where she started out working on the crew and ended up acting in the film, her first and last on-screen role. Her independently produced documentaries have been screened in festivals around the world. One film, Notes on Liberty, was selected as one of 30 films in the 2010 American Documentary Showcase sponsored by The U. S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. She traveled with a delegation to Poland to present the film along with other independently produced documentaries. Since 2013, she has curated the Upstate Shorts screenings for the annual Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival in Ithaca, NY. She holds a M.F.A in Film and Video Production from the University of Iowa. She has taught film production at Emerson College and Ithaca College.
For more information, contact Dr. Patricia R. Zimmermann, codirector, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, patty@