“I Love IC” Week is once again planned and organized by students from the Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) organization.
See more information on the events below and visit www.ithaca.edu/ILoveICWeek to see videos and photos of the events that will be added throughout the week. Follow the hashtag #ILoveICWeek on social media.
Kick Back to Give Back
IC Square, Campus Center
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Teams will compete in Minute to Win It–style contests. Entry fee is $25 per team. The winning team will direct prize money to a local nonprofit of its choosing.
Alumni Panel Discussion: "Five under Five: Looking Back, Moving Forward"
Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center
6:00–7:30 p.m.
Five alumni — one from each school — who have graduated within the last five years will discuss how they made the most out of their time at IC, both in and out of the classroom; what the transition to becoming an alumnus was like; and why they remain connected to their alma mater. Learn more about the five alumni here. This event is sponsored by the Susan A. DiPace '74 Speaker Series.
IC Kindness Day
North Foyer, Campus Center, and various other locations around campus
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Members of IC Pay It Forward and Students Today Alumni Tomorrow will table in the various locations across campus. Students will be able to draw from a "bowl of kindness" for themselves. They will also be able to send a note of gratitude to a faculty or staff member who has helped them in some way.
Gratitude Day
Personal videos will be sent to over 14,000 alumni supporters with messages from IC students, sharing the IC love.
Get the Scoop on Philanthropy
Emerson Suites and North Foyer, Campus Center
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend the fourth annual ice cream social, where students can write a thank-you note or make a video to thank an annual fund donor or other community member. There will be games, music, and "celebrity scoopers" on hand to dish out the free sundaes.
"Celebrate IC" Day
North Foyer, Campus Center
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
STAT members will table in the north foyer of Phillips Hall, where students, faculty, and staff can write on various graffiti walls about why they love IC. There will be videos, games, and other surprises!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Lynne Pierce at lpierce@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3846. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.