Are you looking to develop skills to be a better leader? Do you love your student organization? Do you want to essential tools to keep it successful? Look no further than the ‘Leading @ IC’ workshops. Leading @ IC is designed to help student organization officers and member be more successful in their student organization.
Join us for the following interactive workshops:
2/16 12pm- “How to Successfully Manage Your Student Organization Budget”
In this session, students will receive resources and learn how to track their organization financial transactions; understand how access their organization funds to make purchases, pay for professional services, and make donations; learn how to deposit fund raised money into their student organization account, understand how to read and reconcile their account statements each month and the importance to do so; learn how to solicit for donations to raise money for your student organization; and how to avoid losing any raised funds at the end of the year!
*This session will benefit everyone in the student organization, not just treasures!
2/16 4pm- “The Beauty of Collaboration”
Collaboration is a key factor to success both in college and in the ‘real world.’ Learn how to work with others to host programs and work cohesively within your student organization. Also, learn how to work with other student organizations to promote each other, utilize their resources, and host purposeful events for the entire Ithaca College Community. If you’re more of an ‘independent’ worker, then this would be a great opportunity for you to learn some tactics in how to work with others and have the optimal teamwork setting. If you’re a team player, even better! Come share your experiences and challenges you have faced throughout the collaborative process.
2/23 4pm- “Love Your Student Organization… Again”
Are you becoming easily overwhelmed with your student organization? Are you ‘too involved’? Is your desire to continue with your commitments wavering? If you said yes to any of these, then this is the session for you! In this session, Theresa will share a personal story about her experience with reenergizing herself in her involvements. She will also share anonymous stories from students on campus opening up a discussion about how to find balance in your commitments. This will help you to rediscover your passion for the student organization and reflect on why exactly you’re in the student organizations you are in.
3/1/16 4pm- “Motivating the Unfocused!”
There are many different ways in which a member of a student organization can be involved. This session will give you the tools to motivate members who may not be as focused as others. You will learn how to build relationships with fellow members, recognize their reasons for joining and how you can keep them motivated. This will also be an opportunity for you to share experiences and discuss with the group how to help all members succeed and accomplish your student organization’s goals.
3/3/16 4pm- “Start Raising Funds Now!”
Does your student organization need assistance in coming up with successful programs? Are you bored of the basic car washes, raffle sales, and donations jars? This session is meant to help you brainstorm some great events that will get you money and will be fun for the entire Ithaca College community. This is also an opportunity for student organizations to share their advice on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to fundraising.
*Students can receive SLC credit for attending is along as they RSVP on Orgsync 24 hours in advance. However, you do not need to RSVP to attend.