Your Input is Needed for the Tompkins County Housing Needs Assessment


Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees

Your input is needed to help Tompkins County develop a Housing Needs Assessment to better understand housing needs and to project housing demand within Tompkins County through 2025. 

Whether you live in or commute into Tompkins County as a student, worker, or both, please share your thoughts on housing by taking the survey at anytime through Monday, February 22, 2016. By doing so, you can also enter a drawing to receive one of three $50 Downtown Ithaca Alliance gift cards.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tompkins County Housing Needs Assessment, please visit Should you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Tompkins County Planning Department ( or 607-274-5560).

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!