Join your friends at IC Hillel and Repair the World for an incredible Day of Service in NYC on the Thursday of Spring Break! Meet up in the City to learn about food and educational justice programs and work with Repair the World to give back to these communities. A great way to give back over Spring Break!
Sign up here:
Spring Break Day of Service in NYC!
Thursday, March 17th 9:30 am – 6 pm
Brooklyn, NY
General Outline:
• 9:30 am- Light Breakfast
• 10 am- Introduction to Repair the World - Cindy
• Social Justice/Direct Service Framing Conversation - Sam & Andrew
• Background of Crown Heights - Cindy
• Food Justice volunteering in the morning (Masbia, Farming, Chapel Clean-Up at BSCAH)
• 2 pm Lunch and check in
• Education Justice volunteering in the afternoon (Brooklyn Community Services After School Program)
• Reflection, group discussion, evaluation and final wrap up
• 6 pm – End. Optional group dinner
Frequently Asked Questions:
• What is the cost per person?
There is a $10 fee to sign up. You will be responsible for getting yourself to and from the program in Brooklyn, but once you are with us your food, travel and expenses will be covered.
• Do I need to attend an orientation prior to the Day of Service?
We will have an orientation on Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 pm in the Ithaca Falls Room in Campus Center. This is an opportunity to learn more, but it is not mandatory to attend.
• Can Ithaca Alumni, non-Jewish friends or non-IC friends attend?
Yes definitely! Everyone is invited! In particular, feel free to invite NYC based friends so we can meet individuals that are currently living and working in New York and hopefully connect them with Repair!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kayla Reisman at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.