Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 29th!
Ithaca College Student Government Association
Senate Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 29th, 2016 7:30pm – Taughannock Falls Room
I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call:
Left Early:
III. Approval of the minutes.
Second: Jonathan Couce
IV. Guest Speakers
V. New Business
A. Ithaca College Association of Health Professional Budget Appeal
Ø Run in conjunction with professor Edwards, who teaches health care management
Ø Promote professional development
Ø Had someone come from Tompkins County health department.
Ø Network through office of alumni affairs.
Ø Price transparency and health care.
Ø We are going to host conferences.
Ø We go on a trip every year.
Ø Budget Review:
¨ Catered Lunchà Amt/item=$60.00 total amount: $120.00
¨ Breakfast Foodà Amt/item=$7.50 total amount $120.00
¨ Public Transità Amt/item=$1.50 total amount: $102.40
¨ Alumni Eventà Amt/item=$16.00 total amount: $480.00
Ø Questions:
¨ Did alumni affairs offer any money or support?
¨ No they said it would be up to our organization to raise the money.
¨ What other ways did you think of raising money?
¨ We asked students for $50 each. Anything that is not given to us through SGA, we will then go to the dean.
Ø Discussion:
¨ $16.00 is not bad for an event like this, good job finding that.
¨ This is something that you guys found, not something that was shown?
¨ No I called the place and he explained the menu. We don’t get help planning this trip from anyone else.
¨ I am not completely sold on the idea of shrimp, and crab cakes being the cheapest option for a meal.
¨ I would say that shrimp sounds, expensive but it is $16.00 per head and all of these people have something to do with Ithaca College.
¨ On the budget, I want to point out I am from Massachusetts, those items are not expensive to make and I am surprised at $16.00. It looks a lot better than it is. It is a great deal.
¨ That also includes the space.
¨ Does this include tip?
¨ No it does not.
¨ There is nothing specific in the allocations handbook regarding tip.
Motion to close Discussion: Tim
Second: Irez
Motion for another discussion: Christie
Second: TJ
Ø Discussion:
¨ It was discussed previously in the appropriations committee because this organization is in existence partly for this program, it was permissible for these things to go on an operational budget.
¨ We are funding food for alumni, this is the student activities fund, if it goes forward it sets a troubling precedent. I have an issue with this being a required part of their academic program but the dean not funding it.
¨ I agree with that; I don’t want them to miss this opportunity. I also say that I am disappointed that Alumni Affairs is not going to handle this.
¨ This is still a student activity hosting an event.
¨ With the alumni not giving any money, that is troubling, there are 17 students and 13 alumni, almost half alumni, with them giving no money it is troubling.
¨ I think that we should go forward with this, but the precedent of us funding things that has a large amount of alumni, so in the future we should keep that in mind.
Motion to extend discussion by 5 minutes: Seandre
Second: Charles
¨ They said that they go to the dean after us with any money that still needs to be met, I don’t think us denying it would cancel out their trip.
¨ I don’t think we should feel obligated to pay for shrimp cocktails.
¨ This isn’t an alumni affairs event, this is a student org event, I don’t see the difference between this and a student org who wants to bring in a guest speaker.
¨ It is not just the food; the price is also including the space.
¨ We can’t review this with the fact that they are dependent on us, so no guilt is felt there.
Motion to extend discussion by 6 minutes: Seandre
Second: Jonathan
¨ Precedent is important to SGA, and I think that we may not know what it is going to affect, which is why I strongly encourage, working with Evan, Charles and Kyle getting these messages out. Making sure we are transparent about getting these things out in the future.
¨ To my knowledge there is nothing in the handbook that says we can’t fund alumni.
¨ I think we should fund events for alumni, but my line draws when there is a 50/50 student to alumni rate.
¨ I think the thing is that it is a student led thing.
¨ It comes down to the discretion of the committee because there have been events that have been funded that are a mix.
Motion to extend discussion by 10 minutes: Tim
Second: Jonathan
¨ I am siding with Matilda that it is a student run events, and that alumni were students at one point, and they are also our connections. Treating them well could be beneficial.
¨ We are not paying the alumni so they can have a dinner, we are paying for them to interact with the students. This is for the students not the alumni.
¨ I am kind of with Jonathan, I don’t think we should be feeding them buffalo wings, but some of the things seem extravagant.
Motion to close discussion: Ezeka
Second: Irez
Ø Voting
¨ In favor: 10
¨ Opposed: 0
¨ Abstained: 3
Motion to move to continuing business: Ezeka
VI. Continuing Business
A. LGBTQ Studies (James)
Ø No update.
B. FAFSA Bill (Allen)
Ø Meeting tomorrow at 12:30.
C. SOTSA Bill (Stewart)
Ø Got inspiration from video released during the campaign.
D. Committee Representation Bill (James)
Ø Yield to shared governance.
E. No Confidence Bill (Recckio)
Ø Will update in officer report.
F. Course Evaluations (Connors and Recckio)
Ø Tim and I will submit intent to work on this bill further on adding accessibility.
Ø Asking a question about diversity.
G. Student Bill of Rights (Recckio)
Ø This Friday at 4.
H. Shared Governance (James)
Ø We met today, there will be listening sessions, next Monday there will be a group of people presenting. Basic presentation. Listening sessions happening this week.
I. PEACE Bill (Couce and Fenning)
Ø No update.
J. Open Textbooks (Thornton-Clark)
Ø Will start up next week.
Motion to move to officer reports: TJ
Second: Jonathan
Officer Reports:
- Luis will be the new VP of campus affairs.
- Over the weekend the Eboard put in a lot of time interviewing 17 candidates for the presidential search.
- We chose 3 super highly qualified candidates; I am going to wait to release those names.
- On Monday mornings at 8am, myself and other Eboard members meet with faculty and staff council.
- Tom Rochon sent an intercom announcement about current areas of focus.
Kyle Stewart:
- Communication committee will have our first meeting on Thursday at 6pm.
- Anyone can go into the SGA Office.
- There are scholarships available, they will be posted on our Facebook and intercom.
- I plan on working with other senators on sexual assault on campus.
- I plan on working on something on intersectional leadership on campus.
Kyle James:
- Scholarships. Opening tomorrow, they will be available on Org Sync. If you have any more ideas on how to communicate that.
- Application will be closed on Monday March 21st.
- Scholarship Committee, block of Friday April 1st, 4-8pm. It probably wont take all 4 hours, it gets very hard to narrow down. Look at the application.
Evan Layne:
- There was emergency situation within OSEMA in terms of account balances but everything it fine now.
- About $40-$45,000 left for the rest of the year. This is much better than this time last year. That will get us into block 4, which was my goal for the rest of the year.
- IC Players, we weren’t able to review their budgets, I pushed them to this weeks meeting.
- Student Alliance for Israel, it was not funded, because we can’t fund anything that is specifically for the Executive Board.
- If you have any bills or questions let me know.
- Take care of yourselves.
- No update.
Motion to move to open agenda: TJ
Second: Tim
Motion to Adjourn Meeting: Tim
Second: Jonathan
Call for acclamation.
End Time: 8:51