Update on Workforce Analysis Review


Contributed by Nancy Pringle

The Office of Human Resources is currently conducting a review for all areas impacted by any position eliminations during the workforce analysis implementation over the past 2 ½ years.

At the start of the spring 2016 semester, the Office of Human Resources began scheduling meetings with departments that were directly impacted by the workforce analysis initiative. Invitations were sent to the affected staff members explaining that the purpose of the meetings was to collect feedback on the distribution of work and resources and discuss any new organizational structures resulting from the workforce analysis initiative.

To date, 18 meetings have been held with 14 departments, with an additional 18 meetings scheduled to take place by March 31.

Human Resources staff are facilitating the conversation around the following questions:

Employees attending the meetings are encouraged to ask questions about the workforce analysis process, share their concerns, and offer suggestions related to communication and the need for further review or assessment. They are also asked to provide feedback on ways to further engage and involve staff moving forward.

Human Resources staff are facilitating the meetings and taking thorough notes. Attendees can be assured that their names will not be associated with any comments, suggestions, or discussion points, and the confidentiality of individuals will be maintained.

The information gathered through these department meetings will serve to inform the Office of Human Resources and college administrators of the possible actions and resources needed to better assist departments in achieving overall operational goals. The information will also be used to determine whether any adjustments in staffing are warranted and if training opportunities can be provided to individuals.

The Office of Human Resources recently shared the list of position lines that have been discontinued over the past 2 ½ years with the members of Staff Council and posted it on the HR website. The document indicates whether the position was vacant at the time of elimination. Severance plans were given to all individuals whose positions were eliminated.

I hope you will find this information helpful in answering questions or clarifying information. If you have any additional follow-up questions, please do not hesitate to direct them to me or to Cindy Reckdenwald in the Office of Human Resources.


Nancy Pringle
Senior Vice President and General Counsel


