Important SGA Funding Update


Contributed by Evan Layne

Student Organizations,

Hello from the end of Block 3! I am pleased to announce to all student organizations that the Student Activities Fund is on track to last the campus community until Block 4 this year. The Appropriations Committee is also pleased to announce that many events and programs have already been funded for Block 4.

Having said this, I would like everyone to know that the remaining amount of available funds is lowering at a steady rate. As usual, Funding Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until they are exhausted. 

Looking ahead, Fall 2016 Funding Process has been scheduled for Saturday, April 23rd. As a reminder, Fall Funding Process is the special meeting of the Appropriations Committee in which Fall 2016 Operational budgets, and all other budgets for Block 1 of next academic year will be reviewed. This is meant to allow student organizations to begin operating right away at the beginning of the fall semester. 

Submissions for Fall 2016 Funding Process will be open and available beginning Monday, April 4 and submissions will close Sunday, April 17. Closer to these dates, I will send out communication to all student organizations with more specific details regarding time, location, and a link to the Fall Funding Request Form. 

Have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break, and best of luck with midterms!


Evan Layne 
VP of Business & Finance
Student Government Association