Posted on behalf of David Weil, director of engagement and implementation
Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS) continues to work on an issue that is impacting the ability to access campus computing services from OFF campus and from the IC Airnet and myResNet wireless networks.
Currently, If you are off campus or using the IC Airnet or myResNet wireless networks you cannot reliably access, myhome, myithaca, Sakai, and other similar services.
Email, calendar, and other services that are not hosted on the campus should work as usual.
DIIS seems to have identified the problem and is continuing to work on a solution with its service partners.
Depending on how you are connecting to the college’s network, here is what you can expect:
Users of IC Airnet and myResNet CAN access services such as email, calendar, other public web sites. If you need access to, myhome, or myIthaca, then you will need to use IC Airnet Secure.
Users of wired Ithaca College network connections or wired ResNet connections are not affected by the network issues.
The current network challenges are causing some email notifications to be delayed including emails sent via the IC Workflow tool, Test Accommodation Requests, Parnassus workflow, and Intercom Roundup. The emails are slowly making their way out, but some may be delayed a day or longer. If you have an urgent request or notification you should contact the appropriate office directly to make sure your message was received.
As a result of the network issues, we are working to fix some secondary challenges. Some users are experiencing problems streaming audio/video, logging into IC Airnet Secure and SAKAI, and receiving delayed emails.
While we are trying to fix these issues, it may be necessary to turn off all network traffic for a short period of time to reboot or replace certain network components.
We will continue to share updates as they become available.
We appreciate your patience as we seek to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.