SGA Meeting 3/21/16 Minutes


Contributed by Dominick Recckio

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, March 21st!




Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 21, 2016 7:30pm– Taughannock Falls Room




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                          Roll Call


III.                      Approval of the minutes


Second: Joe


IV.                       Guest Speakers



V.                           New Business

A.         Voting in of Senators

Ø  Laura Waxman

Ø  Class of 2019

Ø  Freshman, Environmental Studies

Ø  Environmental Politics

Ø  Community council of West Tower

Ø  Recently just came back from Leadership retreat with OSEMA

Ø  Believe that Ithaca is a passionate place

Ø  Wanted to help this institution, to offer a voice

Ø  I want to have the opportunity to grow

Ø  I believe my voice as well as the other students should be heard

Ø  We will promote a great deal of unity

Ø  Questions:

ü  What is a major take away from your OSEMA retreat?

ü  I learned most of the values I have. I value service and unity, together I can help come to a great decision.

ü  What is the best class you’ve taken at IC so far?

ü  An environmental class where, we spent 3 hours in the woods and I learned so much about myself and my surroundings. I recommend it to anyone.

ü  If you could teach one class what would you teach?

ü  I feel passionate about the issue of water availability, I believe there are so many statistics and things that people don’t know.

ü  What would be some ideas that you had for bills you would try and bring to the floor in SGA?

ü  I would want to bring about programs and ways that they can be more inclusive. A way that they can communicate with each other, and have a more diverse community.

ü  You seem like a veteran of the environment, I am assuming that scope will effect the way you represent SGA, what is the biggest environment issue you would tackle?

ü  The number one thing I think about a lot is how efficient we use our energy.

Ø  Discussion

ü  I think she is committed to such a crazy amount of things; I don’t think this would be a burden for her.

ü  I think environmental politics is a great field. She also has a really personality.

ü  She seems so driven in certain aspects.

Ø  Voting

ü  In Favor: 11

ü  Opposed: 0

ü  Abstaining: 0


Motion to move to Continuing Business: TJ

Second: Jonathan


VI.                       Continuing Business

A.         LGBTQ studies bill (James)

·             I went out this morning and came up with a lot of things.

·             The meeting minutes from our last meeting are in the email, as well as a doodle.

·             Fill it out ASAP.

·             If you are interested I will forward you the email.

B.         FAFSA Bill (Allen)

·             No Update.

C.         SOTSA bill (Stewart)

·             I will have an update next week.

D.        Committee Representation Bill (James)

E.         No Confidence Bill (Recckio)

·             Presidential search committee has been announced by the college.

·             2 Students.

F.          Course Evaluations (Recckio)

·             I have been reading faculty council stuff about course evaluations.

G.         Student Bill of Rights

·             Soon, potentially this Friday, will be meeting with a group of students to go over that.

·             I was thinking it would be the perfect policy to pass through shared governance.

·             It is truly a big change and a big bill.

H.        Shared Governance

·             Task force keeps moving.

·             Getting ready for out retreat on April 8th.


I.            PEACE Bill

·             No update.

J.           Open Textbooks (Matilda)

·             Spoke to people at Rutgers and UMass and our next step is to talk to the library.


Motion to move to Officer Reports: Charles

Second: Seandre



VII.                   Officer Reports.


A.         President – Dominick Recckio

·             Wednesday 11-2, there is a SAC open house, we have to run a game show theme, SGA.

·             People come into SAC to explore and join different student orgs.

·             Invitation to rainbow reception, come and support!

·             If you are interested, sign up!

·             There are a lot of things we have not finished this year, I was thinking of changing up next meeting a little.

B.         Vice President of Communications – Kyle Stewart

·             Three weeks ago we have a communications committee meeting, really good meeting, cool ideas for advertisements for elections.

C.         Vice President of Campus Affairs – Luis Torres

D.        Vice President of Academic Affairs – Kyle James

·             SGA Scholarships are due tonight.

·             I am looking for your opinion, for SGA scholarship we have 6 who applied and for Margret Reed we had 5.

·             I am perfectly fine with closing applications today, if you think we should postpone it to Wednesday or Friday.

·             We will let you know next week who we selected.

·             For academic senators, this Friday at 3pm, we have a full APC meeting, I cannot be there. Please try and be there.

E.         Vice President of Business and Finance - Evan Layne

·             I have two weeks of allocations to share with you.

·             Ithaca College Women Empowered: Hoping to host a free clinic gala. A lot of alcohol expenses on there.

·             Larger outliers include, Progressives theatre club, Breakfast Club and American Idiot, Drag show, CSA received funding for program called We are not out Stereotypes.

·             Overall it was just under $16,000 that was allocated on March 1st

·             March 8th: Society of physics students are traveling to Baltimore for conference, we allocated $2,000 to them.  $5500 on March 8th.

·             We have $22,555.00 left for rest of the semester.

·             Since I am leaving in two months, I have some committee seats I would like to fill.

F.          Senate Chair – Marieme Foote

·             Admin of the year award, if you know something that you would like to nominate email us and describe why, by next Monday by 5:00pm at the latest.

·             If you are working on any bills right now stay after the meeting.

·             Attendance is very important; I will be sending out warning emails tonight.

G.         Student Trustee – Ciara Lucas

H.        Residence Hall Association – Matthew Blezow

·             No update.

I.            Student Liaison to the Alumni Board _ Alexa Pichiarallo

·             No update.


Motion to close Officer Reports: Ezeka

Second: Seandre


VIII.               Open Agenda.

·             Along with SAC open house, on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, there from 11-3, you take a picture with a white board about what you love about your student org. Whoever wins gets a free pizza party.

·             Colleges against cancer, first kickoff event is tomorrow night in the Pub.


Motion to close Open Agenda: Jonathan

Second: Charles


Motion to Adjourn: Emily

Second: Atilla


IX.                       Adjournment.


End Time: 8:30 pm