On Friday, March 25 from 8:00am - 12pm, join DIIS in Klingenstein Lounge in Campus Center for sessions in Women in IT! Free coffee and great discussion.
Join Ithaca College's Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS) on Friday morning for 2 sessions discussing women in IT. IC is proud to welcome Claire van den Blink, CIO of Pace University and Katie Vale, Vice President for Information and Library Services & Librarian at Bates College to be the speakers and moderators of these sessions and discuss the topics of balancing work and life and career issues. Coffee will be provided. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this event. Women in IT is the topic, not the designated audience.
Schedule of discussion:
8:30-10AM: Work/life balance issues (creating time for professional development, childcare, elder care, balancing school and work, etc.)
10AM: Coffee break
10:30AM-12PM: Career issues (communication, finding mentors, grit, imposter syndrome, dealing with bias, etc.)
No RSVP necessary. Staff, students and faculty are encouraged to attend!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rosane Mordt at rmordt@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.