A talk on countering violent extremism at Cornell International Affairs Society


Contributed by Raza Rumi Ahmad

Raza Ahmad Rumi, scholar in residence at Honors Program will speak today on countering violent extremism with a focus on Pakistan's experience in recent years at an event organised by Cornell International Affairs Society.

Date/Time: Wednesday March 23, 5pm

Venue: 228 Malott



 Pakistan, a nation of 200 million people is grappling with extremism and terrorism. During the past one decade, more than 50,000 Pakistanis have died at the hands of violent extremism in acts of terror. As an ally of the United States in war on terror, Pakistan's role has also been questioned by media and public officials in the West. A nuclear armed country with violent groups has also been cited as a potential threat to global security.
Raza Ahmad Rumi, scholar in residence at Ithaca College and an editor at weekly The Friday Times will speak about the genesis of the extremist ideologies and how the war on terror has exacerbated the situation. Since 2014, Pakistan's powerful military has been leading counterterrorism operations with some success. What lies ahead? Are military operations enough to counter extremism. Mr Rumi will highlight the medium to long term measures that pakistan has to adopt if it wants to end the menace of extremism.

