Tax Documents Related to Medical Coverage Have Been Mailed


Contributed by Cheryl Thomason

You have probably heard of Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and one change that may impact you directly is Form 1095-C. Organizations, like Ithaca College, that employ more than 50 people are required to report to the IRS on the health insurance, if any, offered to their full-time employees. 

Employees eligible for medical coverage through the College will be receiving their 1095-C Form in the mail within the next several days. The 1095-C Form provides information about what coverage you were offered by Ithaca College and enrolled in for calendar year 2015.  No action is necessary on your part.  However, we suggest that you keep this document with your other tax-related items for future reference. 

Taxpayers are asked on their tax return if they and their dependents had minimum essential health insurance coverage for each month of 2015. For those who had employer-sponsored health insurance, such as that provided by Ithaca College, it is only be necessary to check the appropriate box on the tax return to affirm coverage. You should not attach this form to your tax return.

More information can be found on the Internal Revenue Service's website at

Please contact the Benefits Department at (607) 274-8000 or with any questions. Note: We cannot give tax advice. Everyone's tax situation is different. You should consult your own tax advisor for specific tax advice.