REMINDER: All Supervisor's Meeting - April 13th, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.


Contributed by Kirra Franzese

All supervisors should plan on joining us in Emerson Suites on Wednesday, April 13th from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


9:00 – 10:30 am:  Strength-Based Feedback with Rich Gallagher

Rich Gallagher, one of the nation's leading experts on workplace communications skills, will be teaching us the secrets of strength-based feedback—a proven, criticism-free way to communicate with people in ways that create real behavior and performance change, without getting people defensive.  These techniques are designed to help people at every level of the workplace learn to effectively influence and coach other people, while building lifelong interpersonal and leadership skills. 

Rich is the author of nine books including How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work. He is a 4-time top 50 communications skills author and a finalist for 800-CEO-READ's 2008 Business Book of the Year.

A former customer service executive and practicing psychotherapist as well as a popular public speaker, Rich focuses on the mechanics of what to say in difficult situations, based on the latest principles of behavioral psychology. 

Rich has been published or featured in Time Magazine, AMA and Dale Carnegie training,, BusinessWeek,, the New York Post, the China Post, Toronto Globe and Mail, morning drive radio, and many other media channels. He is a veteran of numerous speaking engagements, media appearances and corporate workshops.

10:30 – 11:00 am:  Diversity and Inclusion Requirement Update from Michelle Rios-Dominguez, Manager for Diversity and Inclusion

Supervisors will be provided more detailed information about the requirement and how to support their employees.