As part of the Peggy Ryan Williams Difficult Dialogue Symposium, Ithaca College will host Honest Accomplice Theatre out of NYC on Monday, April 11th in the Earl McCarroll Studio Theatre (1st floor Dillingham) for a 5:30pm AND 8pm performance of The Birds & The Bees: Unabridged--a performance examining partner communication, sexual identity, the desexualization of aging women, today's "hook-up" culture, sexual health, and more!
Please arrive early, since it is "first come, first served" for the two 50 seat performances. There will be a talkback with actors and local activists from 7-7:30pm, right after the first performance.
“This show touched on some very important and complex topics that are difficult to discuss and explain. The actors and actresses depicted some weighty scenarios with dignity and grace.” - Judy Krinitz, Assistant Director of Student Life, Queens College
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact The Office of Civic Engagement at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.