Fractionate: A Workshop on Dealing with Conflict


Contributed by Jane Ray

Fractionation (the opposite of escalation) is a process by which big conflicts are broken down into little conflicts, where they can be more easily understood and resolved.  We’ll explore the way conflict manifests in three venues (intrapsychic, interpersonal and intergroup) but we’ll focus on interpersonal aspects.

We’ll explore the important issue of when to engage a conflict (and, importantly, when not to!) as well as two strategies for engagement: winning a conflict vs. resolving a conflict (both are useful and appropriate, but involve completely opposite techniques.) Perhaps most important, we will learn to use a handy little tool for diagnosing and analyzing conflicts, providing a framework for breaking them down into smaller pieces that can be more easily resolved. 

Fun fact: did you know that there are only five things that people fight about?  All conflicts are about one (or more) of these five things. (You’ll have to attend the workshop to find out what those five are!)

Date: April 14, 2016  

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Location:  GL #52 PRW, HR Conference Room

This workshop will be facilitated by Karl Paulnack, Dean, School of Music.

To register for this workshop, go to  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jane Ray at or (607) 274-5773. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.