April 20, 2016 at 9:00am we will hold our monthly Dollars and $ense meeting. This month’s topic will do a third deep dive into the 2016-2017 budget. We will extend our time to end at 10:30am. The deep dive into the budget will be to share how the budget was allocated among the various divisions and schools at the college. We will also answer questions around changes in line items, and other questions that attendees have as it pertains to the 2016-2017 budget.
In addition to the budget discussion, we will also share a budget versus actual update on the college’s finances for the tenth month (March) of the fiscal year. We will answer questions attendees might have on that as well.
Please come prepared to engage and ask questions about the finance and administration of the college. Dollars and $ense was created to provide ongoing financial and administrative information on a timely basis, so as to ensure that every campus constituent who has questions will have an opportunity to have them answered in an open session that will also benefit others. In the Division of Finance and Administration, we have adopted the mnemonic device: OATE (Ownership, Accountability, Transparency and Empowerment). Dollars and $ense is our attempt to ensure that we follow through on that commitment.
Dollars and $ense will take place in Emerson Suite A, 9:00 – 10:30 am, on Wednesday, April 20. We continue to welcome all faculty and staff to these meetings to come and discuss these and any other issues that are affecting the finances and administration of the College.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jaimie Voorhees in the office of finance and administration (274-3118 or jvoorhees@ithaca.edu). We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.