2015-16 Performance Review Process is now open!


Contributed by Kirra Franzese

The Online Performance Review process for 2015-16 is now open! 

Staff members can access the self-assessment form through Employee Self-Service in Parnassus and will be able to provide examples of how they demonstrate mastery in job specific skills and knowledge and the following core competency areas:

Supervisors will be able to provide feedback and ratings by initiating the performance review through Manager Self-Service.  The performance review process will remain open through Thursday, June 30th.

Training Opportunities Are Still Available - All workshops require an RSVP

"The Performance Conversation" with local facilitator Jeff Shepardson, to be held April 20th from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center

HR delivered programming for Supervisors:

HR delivered programming for Non-Supervisory Employees:

To find out more information, please visit our webpage on performance review.  If you have any questions about the performance review process, please contact Kirra Franzese (kfranzese@ithaca.edu), Jane Ray (jray@ithaca.edu), or Hana Holman (hholman@ithaca.edu) at 607-274-8000.

