Submitted on behalf of Yvonne Rogalski, Faculty Chair of the James J. Whalen Academic Symposium:
The quality and diversity of the research and creative projects highlighted in this year's symposium demonstrated the incredible talent of our students and the importance of active learning as a key part of an IC educational experience. On behalf of the committee, we wish to congratulate all of the presenters for jobs well done. Thank you for participating in the Whalen Symposium and sharing your work with the entire campus community.
In addition to the 420 student presenters, and over 60 faculty sponsors, the faculty moderators, abstract reviewers and judges and the staff and student volunteers were a critical part of this year’s event.
Many individuals and offices contributed to the success of this year’s Symposium, especially Professor of physics and astronomy Luke Keller and senior Madison Mangano for such an inspiring keynote address, and the Whalen Steering Committee (Lisa Barnard, Elizabeth Bergman, Brandy Bessette-Symons, Marie Blouin, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Chrystyna Dail, Derrick Fox, Anna Gardner, Cristina Gomez, John Henderson, Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Rumit Singh Kakar, Deborah King, Drew Olkowski, Wade Pickren, Dave Prunty, Kelly Stern, Robert Sullivan, MaryAnn Taylor, Doug Turnbull and Kimberly Wilkinson).
Thank you all for your energetic assistance and participation.
The following were the Whalen Symposium 2016 Award Winners:
Awards for Oral Presentations
School of Business:
Melinda Carlison, Management - The Transition to Fatherhood: Men’s Narrative Identity Work on the Path to Working Father (Faculty Sponsor, Christine Bataille)
School of Communications:
Dominick Recckio, Kaitlyn Logsdon, Megan Goldberg, and Kaitlyn Tynczuk, Strategic Communications - The Paradox of Sustainability and the Global Betterment Imperative (Faculty Sponsor, Gordon Rowland)
School of Music:
Jocelyn Armes, Music Education - Music Education as Social Action: A Systematic Review of Literature and Research Surrounding Incarcerated Students and the Impact of Music Programs (Faculty Sponsor, Keith Kaiser)
School of Humanities and Sciences:
Humanities 1:
Jordan Cowell, Communication Studies - Kairos and Crisis: Failure to Meet the Rhetorical Situation of a Racial Crisis at Ithaca College (Faculty Sponsor, Robert Sullivan)
Michael Rizk, Art History – Razing Cities: Syria’s Architectural Crisis(Faculty Sponsor, Nancy Brcak)
Humanities 2:
Courtney Leo, Anthropology - Walking Tour Ethnography: Drawing Connections between Ethnographic Methods and Street Art Tourism in London’s East End (Faculty Sponsor, Sue-Je Gage)
Humanities 3:
Ngan Tran, Economics - Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on the Vietnam Manufacturing Sector, with a Focus on the Textile and Footwear Industry (Faculty Sponsor, Shaianne Osterreich)
Sciences 1:
Emily Conklin, Biology - Evolution and Characterization of Vertebrate Neuropeptides (Faculty Sponsor, Ian Woods)
Sciences 2:
Samuel Lloyd, Mathematics - Approximation with Orthogonal Polynomials(Faculty Sponsor, Osman Yurekli)
Jonathan Smucker, Physics - Measuring the Temperature of the Ithaca College Magneto-Optical Trap (Faculty Sponsor, Bruce Thompson)
School of Health Science and Human Performance:
Hannah Robison, Health Promotion and Physical Education - Promoting Global Citizenship by Engaging the Philosophies and Practices of Western and Chinese Medicine (Faculty Sponsor, Hongwei Guan)
Valerie Cohen, Exercise Sports and Sciences - Handheld Tablets Are a Valid Measure for Analyzing Vertical Drop Jump Landing Tasks (Faculty Sponsor, Deb King)
Award for Visual, Media, Performing Arts
McKinleigh Lair, Park Media Lab - Seed to Cup (Faculty Sponsor, Carol Jennings)
Awards for Poster Presentations
School of Humanities and Sciences:
Taylor Ford, Sociology - Non–Medical Use of Prescription ADHD Medication at Ithaca College (Faculty Sponsor, Stephen Sweet)
Danielle Bucior and Collette Piasecki-Masters, Biology - Plant Uptake of Heavy Metals from Bombing Sites on the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico(Faculty Sponsor, Susan Witherup)
School of Health Science and Human Performance:
Jamie Kronenberg, Physical Therapy - Lower Extremity Biomechanics Displayed by Individuals with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis during Vertical Jumps (Faculty Sponsor, Rumit Singh Kakar)