Opportunity to meet with University of Sydney representative


Contributed by Rachel Gould

Are you interested in learning more about one of Ithaca College's study abroad options in Australia, or discussing how you might collaborate with international colleagues? A representative from our affiliated partner University of Sydney will be on campus next week to share information about the university and discuss opportunities for faculty involvement and collaboration.  We have organized a drop-in session for interested faculty, or can set up individual appointments if desired. 

University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia)
• Tues., 4/26; 2:30-3:30, Job 209

Ithaca College has sent students for many years to study at the University of Sydney. Students have attended the University on an affiliated basis through current affiliate IES through 2015-16, and will attend directly through the University of Sydney beginning in 2016-17. Noah Stewart, Study Abroad Coordinator for Program Development in the University’s Global Mobility Office will be visiting.   

For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or studyabroad@ithaca.edu.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or intlprog@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

