Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Is Open


Contributed by Sally Dietz

The Budget Office would like you to know that the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget is open and available to the campus community. 


Please take the time to review the budget as it has been entered in Parnassus.   In many cases it was necessary for us to make changes to the final submissions in order to balance the allocations among the Natural Classification categories to the amounts approved by category by the Board of Trustees.

Pay special attention to the addition of new account lines and reclassification of expenses according to the guidelines contained in the “Revised List of Subcodes” document, which is located at:

 It is most important that actual expenses be directed to the correct subcode during the course of the fiscal year. A comparison between the budgeted amounts and the actual expenses throughout the year will guide our decisions related to Zero Based Budget (ZBB) allocations in the coming years and allow us to become more accurate in our categorization of budgeted amounts.

 Please contact either Sarah Kane @ 274-3804, Noelle Bartolis @ 274-3385 or myself, Sally Dietz @ 274-1888 with questions.