A workgroup recently revised the procedures for creating course packs and course readers to comply with copyright requirements. These new procedures have been communicated to the schools and should make the process and timeline easier for faculty on campus.
Faculty intending to use a course pack or course reader for a class should review the following links for guidance on how Ithaca College, the Campus Store, the Center for Print Production and the Library will handle the production and distribution of course packs and course readers.
A flowchart showing the process as well as important dates and decision points.
A FAQ with helpful information.
The on-line form to submit materials to create a course pack or course reader.
In addition, the workgroup updated the Ithaca College Copyright Policy which has been forwarded to the Office of Legal Affairs.
Please note that in order to comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act’s Textbook Provision, all course pack lists need to be submitted by November 1 for the following spring semester, and April 1 for the following fall semester.
Please contact the Campus Store at 274-3961 with any questions.