Career Service's drop-ins will not be available on Tuesday, June 21; Wednesday, June 22; Monday, June 27; and Tuesday, June 28


Contributed by Shelli Mekos

Due to various staff members out of the office as well as on-campus interviews being conducted, Career Service's drop-in hours have been updated to the following:

Drop-ins not available:

Drop-ins available:

Normal summer drop-in hours will continue on Tuesday, July 5, from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM. As a friendly reminder, summer drop-in hours are Tuesdays through Thursdays from 12:30 to 3:30 and will continue until August 11.

Please direct any questions to or call and leave a message at 607-274-3365. Please refer to our website for more information.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Shelli Mekos at or (607) 274-1620. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.