Dr. Annette Levine (Modern Languages) Co-Authors Article in Latin American Theatre Review


Contributed by Tina Bennett

Annette Levine and Professor Debra Castillo (Cornell U.) Co-authored an article entitled “For Whom We Must Speak: Devising Actos for Undocumented Farmworkers” published in the spring 2016 volume of Latin American Theatre Review.

The article recounts the collaboration between IC Teatro (Annette Levine), Cornell’s Teatrotaller (Debra Castillo), and the Teatro Travieso theatre company (Jimmy Noriega, College of Wooster) on a homage to Teatro Campesino by working with our students to study the history of this important group, the current issues facing immigrant youth in our area, and devising new actos for presentation to our various communities. The article explores what it means for our students to create devised work in this particular social justice context, where the central organizing problematic of the project requires them to speak, and moreover to speak for someone who often is in no political or social position to speak for themselves, in full cognizance of the implications of speaking out in this artificial and ventriloquized manner.

