Mac Users: DIIS Recommends Not Installing MacOS Sierra on College Computers


Contributed by Karen Compton

Apple recently released MacOS Sierra (Mac OS 10.12) but DIIS recommends not installing the new operating system on College Macs just yet.

DIIS has not yet verified that software and systems commonly used at Ithaca College are compatible with the new operating system. In general, if you rely on your Mac for college work, we advise that you wait to upgrade until DIIS has done more in-depth testing. This particularly applies to Mac users who work with enterprise systems such as Parnassus "core applications" and Homer Admin. Also, for Pulse Secure VPN users (formerly known as Juniper or Junos Pulse) who need to remotely access College resources, MacOS Sierra has known compatibility issues.

Apple has also recently announced that it will automatically download the new operating system to Macs that meet the system requirements and have enough storage space. However, users still have to initiate the installation manually, which again, DIIS recommends holding off for College computers.

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