Update and Clarification on the Diversity and Inclusion 2016-2017 Educational Requirement


Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez

Contributed on behalf of Dr. Brian K. Dickens, Vice President for Human Resources

In an effort for provide greater communication, transparency and clarity surrounding the Diversity and Inclusion Staff Educational Requirement for this academic year, we would like take an opportunity to reconfirm the requirement and communicate process changes.

In the fall of 2015, the institution identified action steps necessary to address racism and bias across campus. Within these actions steps, educational goals were established, specifically a learning requirement of attending two diversity and inclusion training sessions provided by the Office of Human Resources.

Since that time, the institution has taken some additional proactive steps to realigning and establishing a more collaborative approach to supporting diversity and inclusion across campus. With the addition of the Director of Programs & Outreach in the Office of the Provost and new leadership in the Office of Human Resources, Dr. Brian Dickens, VP for Human Resources, we have been able to begin to establish some intentional collaborations across this work on campus. As a result, we are utilizing our campus wide expertise as an opportunity to evaluate, create new programs and processes.

To provide more time to focus on improving Cultural Intelligence (CQ) for our campus stakeholders, we will continue to support our previous diversity and inclusion learning requirement.  Our continued collaborations with Dr. Linda Petrosino, Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs, will ensure this ongoing diversity and inclusion learning for our entire workforce.

For the 2016-2017 academic year, we are reconfirming the requirement of participating in two diversity and inclusion learning opportunities. All events that are listed as diversity and inclusion events in the events calendar, http://events.ithaca.edu/search/events?search=Diversity, are qualifying events. We will be moving towards a supervisor accountability model that will work to foster increased dialogue between employees and supervisors around these issues of inclusion and diversity. Supervisors will receive information and resources from the Office of Human Resources regarding dialogue structure and accountability measures in order to better support their employees in fulfilling this requirement.  Our communication plan is inclusive of direct emails to all supervisors in the upcoming weeks.  We will provide, more in-depth information at the upcoming All Supervisor’s Meeting in November 2016.

We will continue to evaluate this requirement and explore additional approaches to ensure ongoing inclusive education in collaboration with our campus partners in the coming months.

Thank you for your time and patience, any questions can be addressed to Michelle Rios-Dominguez,  Office of Human Resources, mriosdominguez@ithaca.edu.

Dr. Brian K. Dickens, Vice President for Human Resources

