Mini-course on connecting the disciplines – one credit pass/fail


Contributed by Gordon Rowland


ICIC 10000 Integration—Connecting the disciplines. How will we meet the complex challenges of the 21st century? We will need to find ways to combine insights and ideas from many fields of study and to use them creatively. Concepts and tools from systems science and design can help us do this. They are introduced through a series of engaging learning activities. Pass/Fail. 1 credit. No prerequisites. LA.


ICIC 10000-01 Integration: Connecting the Disciplines

February 3, 6 - 9PM, February 4, 10AM - 4PM, February 5, 1 - 5PM

Instructors: Jake Brenner & Julia Lapp

CRN 42690


ICIC 10000-02 Integration: Connecting the Disciplines

February 10, 6 - 9PM, February 11, 10AM - 4PM, February 12, 1 - 5PM

Instructors: Michael Smith & Paula Turkon

CRN 42691


ICIC 10000-03 Integration: Connecting the Disciplines

February 24, 6 - 9PM, February 25, 10AM - 4PM, February 26, 1 - 5PM

Instructors: Jason Hamilton & Howard Kalman

CRN 43459


To register, select (IC)2 Integrated Curriculum, the first subject area listed in HomerConnect when you do a search.


Integration is one of four ICIC mini-courses for Spring 2017

* short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, creativity, and character

* active hands-on learning; no lectures

* lots of fun

* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors

* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail

* taking any three of the four mini-courses will count as an ICC elective in the World of Systems or the Inquiry, Imagination and Innovation theme with a Humanities or Social Sciences perspective

