Mini-course on Gut, Heart, Head: In which do we trust? – one credit pass/fail


Contributed by Gordon Rowland


ICIC 12000-02 Insight: Combining Expertise

Topic – Gut, Heart, Head: In which do we trust?

Tuesdays & Thursdays 4-5:15, January 24 – February 23

Instructors: Paula Turkon & Jacqueline Winslow Robilotta

CRN 43460

Description: Which do we trust most? Our intuition, how we feel, or what we know? What do we do when our gut, heart, or head lead us in different directions? Explore how experts use instincts, feelings, and knowledge to approach the biggest questions of their disciplines.



General course description:

ICIC 12000 Insight—Combining expertise. How can we combine insights from disciplinary experts to address complex issues? Guest experts from a variety of disciplines will discuss how researchers and practitioners in each of their disciplines would address a common issue. Techniques are introduced to combine their insights and lead to deeper understanding and more powerful solutions. Pass/Fail. 1 credit. No prerequisites. LA.


Other Insight mini-courses available:


ICIC 12000-01 Insight: Combining Expertise

Topic – Revelation and Revolution:  Insights from Within and Without

Tuesdays & Thursdays 4-5:15, January 24 – February 23

Instructors: Luke Keller & Chris Sinton

CRN 42692

Description: How can we combine insights from experts across disciplines to address complex issues? How do we define and recognize insight? In this course we will explore multiple definitions of insight, revelation, and revolution. We will interview guest experts from a variety of disciplines and discuss with them how researchers and practitioners in each of their disciplines would understand and address a common issue. We will introduce techniques are to combine their insights and lead to deeper understanding and more powerful solutions.


ICIC 12000-03 Insight: Combining Expertise

Topic – Mapping the World 

Mondays & Wednesdays 4-5:15, January 23 – February 22

Instructors: Gordon Rowland & Kelly Dietz

CRN 43461

Description: How do we represent the significant features of the natural and human world? Can we capture reality, or are we actually seeking to create the idea of it?  Who decides what is included and what is left out? 


To register, select (IC)2 Integrated Curriculum, the first subject area listed in HomerConnect when you do a search.


This is one of four ICIC mini-courses for Spring 2017

* short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, creativity, and character

* active hands-on learning; no lectures

* lots of fun

* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors

* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail

* taking any three of the four mini-courses will count as an ICC elective in the World of Systems or the Inquiry, Imagination and Innovation theme with a Humanities or Social Sciences perspective

