Submitted on behalf of Dr. Brian K. Dickens, VP for Human Resources
Early last week, a temporary court injunction was issued that makes it uncertain how the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) overtime pay exemptions apply to employees who would be impacted by the new rules that were to go into effect on December 1, 2016. Although the injunction removes the immediate mandate for December 1, 2016, the College will move forward with our implementation plan.
We believe our plan maintains our compensation philosophy and provides the necessary alignment with our internal review of current market standings. At this time the College has determined we will stay the course and implement the recommendations for position classification changes and/or salary adjustments that were approved and communicated to our staff in late October and November. The Office of Human Resources will continue to monitor the court actions and will communicate to the campus community as appropriate.
Although an extensive review of salary equity/compression resulting from the changes that were to be made to the FLSA overtime regulations, market influences with regard to hiring, and the competitiveness of current salaries relative to the market was conducted, the College’s staff compensation program will be reviewed by an outside consultant in the new year. In the event this outside review identifies areas where positions are classified incorrectly and/or salaries are not aligned, adjustments may be implemented to ensure adherence to the College’s compensation philosophy.
Please feel free to contact Cindy Reckdenwald at (4-3850) or Maura Fetsko at (4-3483) if we can provide any additional information or answer any questions.
Thank you.