Circle Apartment selection will begin on February 7th and Garden Apartment Selection will begin soon. Please go to to view dates and times for selections.
Please remember, the apartment selection process is always very competitive. Each year we have a number of groups of juniors who are not able to obtain a Circle Apartment or large Garden Apartment. In almost all cases, groups that included sophomore students last year were unsuccessful in their effort to select an apartment. We predict this year to be similar. Any student interested in living off-campus for the 2017-2018 academic year can apply now to the off-campus wait list for consideration. We are not currently approving students to live off-campus because the Office of Residential Life has met it’s off-campus target. Remember to not make any off-campus commitments unless you receive written permission from the Office of Residential Life. If you are studying away for the Fall semester and hope to live off-campus when you return, you must apply now. Please contact with any questions.