Submitted on behalf of Cathy J. Saloff-Coste, MS, RD, CDN, Ithaca College Registered Dietician Nutritionist
We’re in the midst of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW) and the focus this year is on getting screened. It is a good time to assess your own thoughts about eating, body weight, and exercise. Are your attitudes in a healthy range, or could you be at risk for disordered eating?
Maybe you are concerned about a friend who has recently become preoccupied with food, dieting, weight, and body image, and who seems depressed or irritable, and may be having difficulties with classes, work or friendships. These signs might indicate an eating disorder.
Take a look around you, and you probably know at least one person who is struggling with an eating disorder or who is heading down the dangerous path of disordered eating. As their friend, you want to help but have no idea how to begin. What can you do?
Recognize NEDAW this week by taking a screening yourself or by encouraging someone you are concerned about to take a screening. If the results suggest an increased risk for an eating disorder, it is time now to seek help. Early intervention is a critical first step toward full recovery and toward being able to fully engage in the college experience at Ithaca. Full recovery is possible.
On Friday, check back in to the Intercom to learn about resources available on campus and online in the last of our 3-part series.