Are you interested in taking a survey about how confident you would be communicating with a person with aphasia? Even if you don't know what aphasia is, we are interested in receiving your feedback.
We are conducting an anonymous survey to evaluate the basic knowledge and confidence levels about communicating with individuals who have aphasia. In the following Qualtrics survey, you will be asked several questions about aphasia. You will then be presented with conversational transcripts of people with various types of aphasia and asked about how confident you would feel communicating with these individuals. You can skip questions or withdraw from the survey at any time.
The survey should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. No prior knowledge of aphasia is necessary to complete this survey. It will be used to gain a better understanding of the overall awareness of aphasia campus wide. If you are interested, please click the link below:
By clicking the link and taking the survey, I am acknowledging that I am 18 years of age or older.
Aphasia Confidence Levels of Students at IC
Thank you for your help with our research. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
Madison O’Brien, Graduate Student
Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Yvonne Rogalski, Associate Professor