Five History majors presented original research at the March 4, 2017 meeting of the Phi Alpha Theta Western New York Regional Meeting.The students presented their research to both their peers and faculty who are experts in the fields.
Naomi Hanson won one of six "Best Conference Paper" awards for "A Royal Encounter: Finding Commonality between Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley and Queen Elizabeth I."
The following is a list of students and their paper titles:
Evan Lloyd Denning "Running in the Woods: The Decline of Dutch West India Company Monopoly of the Fur Trade in Seventeenth Century New Netherlands"
Madeline Anthony, "More Than the Guillotine: The Reign of Terror’s Approach to Criminal Justice in the French Revolution"
Madeline Anthony, "The Nuremberg Trials: An International Law Tribunal Founded on the Roots of Victor’s Justice"
Naomi Hanson, "A Royal Encounter: Finding Commonality between Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley and Queen Elizabeth I"
Kaleb Cabisca, "The Press, Public Opinion, and the Foreign Office: Developing the Bosnian Crisis of 1908"
Nicole Mance, "A Tale of Two Presses: Journalism in France and England, 1770-1810"