ENVS naturalist and department chair Jason Hamilton will be teaching two classes this summer that can bring you into closer contact with the local landscape.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from ENVS naturalist, tracker and department chair Jason Hamilton and fulfill your ICC requirements. The first course is a “Maymester” course being held in June 2017. ENVS 14200: The Art and Science of Tracking will fulfill the following requirements: ICC Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation and Mind, Body, Spirit themes and Natural Sciences perspective designation.
The class will introduce you to wildlife tracking techniques and show you how to read what’s actually happening in the landscape – feeding, breeding and other animal behaviors, and their interactions with humans and with other animals. It will enhance your ability to “read” the landscape and perceive many of the activities and interactions that bring the story of natural landscapes to life.
In June, Jason will teach ENVS 14000: Introduction to Herbalism, a class that covers the theory and concepts of herbal remedies, and then teaches practical applications. You will learn how to make many plant medicines, how to deal with simple ailments, and gain herbal first aid skills. Studying herbalism is a great way to deepen your connection with the natural world, and to be able to help you, your friends, and your family.
For more information on either course, email Jason at jhamilton@ithaca.edu.