Coffee Film Festival!


Contributed by Carol Jennings

Join us for an evening of films about coffee and then sip some local brews at The Studio. Featuring Guatemalan mountains and Ecuadorian rainforests, these films share origins with some of the coffee you’ll drink. As you taste coffee from local roasters like Gimme! Coffee, Ithaca Coffee Company, and Argueta’s Coffee, follow the cherry’s journey from farm, to hand, to bean, to cup.  


Seed to Cup (10 minutes, McKinleigh Lair), is a documentary which links Guatemalan coffee farmers to American coffee lovers by analyzing the economic challenges behind brewing specialty coffee. Coffee in the Cloud Forest (10 minutes, Daniel Masciari and Jacob Beil), focuses on a community trying to save its watershed from the threat of mining by helping farmers grow and sell coffee sustainably.  Both films were produced by Ithaca College students and supported by The Studio and Park Productions.


The Studio is a screening, production and business incubator for students who want to produce content for the entertainment industry. Park Productions is a video production company staffed by students which over the past 50 years has produced documentaries, features, shorts, and museum exhibits for local and international audiences.


Coffee Film Festival

Friday, April 7th

5-8 pm at The Studio

Center Ithaca, lower level

171 East State Street


Take stairs toward Ithaca Fitness


