Deciding to see a counselor is often a difficult decision, but your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to help!
Counselors with eni are mental health professionals who provide confidential in-person, phone, and video counseling for a variety of stressful issues such as marital, family, substance abuse, depression, stress, grief, health, and more.
Each counselor carefully listens to your needs and either offers short-term counseling focused on coping strategies or makes an appropriate referral to long-term counseling or specialized care close to your home or work.
Counseling services are also available to eligible dependents within your household, such as your spouse or child. Short-term counseling is available for free, up to five time per year, per issue and if there is an need for long-term counseling, eni will help to find a provider in your medical network.
Contact your EAP today at 800.327.2255 or online at to connect with a counselor or to find out more information.