An update from your local admission professionals...


Contributed by Nicole Eversley Bradwell

Greetings, from the Office of Admission. I would like to share what we've been involved in over the past several months. Working with prospective students and their families, presenting at professional conferences, serving our community, and making a difference where we can.

Below are examples of the work the Office of Admission has been engaged in over the past year.


112 Years of Service Recognized This Year

Mike DiBrienza ~10 years

Janet Teeter ~ 15 years

Terri Jordan ~ 12 years (Retired)

Diana Vrabel ~ 32 years (Retired)

Holly Tavelli ~ 43 years (Retired)



Amanda Decker

                  “The Life of a Co-Chair at Ithaca College”

                  “Professional Staff Breakout Session”

Brenda Mikula

Cara Nichols

Clarissa Prohaska

Corinna Davies

Dustin Hunter

Jessica Kowalewski Dietrich

Joan Hurley

Lisa Brixey

Lisa Searle

Maggie Dayton Golden

Nicole Eversley Bradwell

Steve Jenks

Taña Barajas

Tom Bloss

I extend a very big congratulations to our entire team for their dedication to continued learning, service, and the profession! What a fantastic team to work with.

Nicole Eversley Bradwell, Director of Admission