Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) History Month is almost over. The final videos highlighting different historical figures will air on the LGBT Center website in the coming days. Visit the LGBT Center website's LGBT History Month Featured Videos section to find a new video each day during October.
This week’s highlighted historical figures are:
October 22: Barry Manilow, Singer and Songwriter
October 23: Johnny Mathis, Singer
October 24: Yukio Mishima, Japanese Author
October 25: Craig Rodwell, Gay Pioneer
October 26: Jeffrey Seller, Broadway Producer
October 27: Kyrsten Sinema, Congresswoman
October 28: Peter Staley, AIDs Activist
October 29: Vaughn Walker, Federal Judge
October 30: Jeffrey Weinstein, Workplace Pioneer
October 31: Rodney Wilson, Gay History Month Founder
LGBT History Month videos and other materials are made possible by the Equality Forum, a national and international GLBT civil rights organization with an educational focus.