We’re excited to gather together to celebrate the promise of 2018! Comforting foods and warm conversations await us for the Winter Luncheon which will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Terrace Dining Hall.
Winter Luncheon
Thursday, January 18, 2018
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Terrace Dining Hall
Our fantastic chefs will create the following warm delicious foods for us to sample and enjoy.
The Soup Bar includes
The Warm Winter Menu includes
The Mac and Cheese Bar includes
For dessert there will be a Flaming Dessert Station, Warm Apple Crisp with Vanilla Ice cream, Chocolate Shot Cups with Mocha, Peppermint and Dolce de Leche, and Red Velvet Whoopee Pies.
In appreciation of your dedication and the upcoming work that will be completed this year, each attendee will receive a warm winter hat or scarf.
As engaged members of the Ithaca community, IC will again participate with the Family Reading Partnership to provide the gift of reading to local children. We hope to receive many books in support of this local nonprofit organization that promotes early literacy and family reading practices throughout our community. If you would like to learn more about the organization, please visit: http://www.familyreading.org.
We look forward to sipping hot chicken soup with rice in the company of friends and colleagues.
In January, it’s so nice
While slipping on the sliding ice
To sip hot chicken soup with rice.
Sipping once, sipping twice,
Sipping chicken soup with rice.
-Maurice Sendak