Writing Center Syllabus Insert


Contributed by Jaime Warburton

Use of the Writing Center is a free service provided to all members of the Ithaca College campus community. Please consider including information on the Writing Center in your syllabus this fall. 

All writers can benefit from a second reader. At the Writing Center, trained faculty and peer tutors work with folks at any stage of the writing process, from pre-writing through drafting, revising, and editing. We believe in helping people become better writers through a facilitated understanding of their own processes: we are not a drop-off editing service, but rather a holistic, caring, and professional place where undergraduate, graduate, staff, and faculty writers can discover fruitful, clear ways to best express and explain their thoughts and research. 

More information for faculty can be found on our website. We also offer brief in-class presentations by peer tutors that further introduce students to the Writing Center and our scheduling software; if you are interested in such a presentation, please email faculty director Jaime Warburton at jwarburton@ithaca.edu to arrange a time. 

(Although we strongly encourage all writers to visit the Writing Center at some point during their time at Ithaca College, we also request that faculty not issue a blanket requirement for all class members to visit the Center for the same assignment, as such provisions strain our resources and may block access from students who have a true need for services.)

Please feel free to include some or all of the following language in your syllabus:

The Writing Center aims to help students from all disciplines, backgrounds, and experiences to develop greater independence as writers.  We are committed to helping students see writing as central to critical and creative thinking.  

In a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, writers at all levels participate in one-on-one conferences with advanced student and faculty tutors to work on effective strategies for all aspects of the writing process. Topics explored in these conferences may include

o   idea generation, focus, and organization

o   understanding of assignments and readings

o   comprehensive rewriting of drafts

o   sentence structure and style

o   grammar, punctuation, and spelling

o   research and note-taking methods

o   source documentation

We offer these services for students in all disciplines: humanities and sciences, business, health sciences and human performance, communications, and music. In our conferences, we encourage students to develop confidence as independent thinkers and writers. This means that we will not revise or correct papers for students, but instead will help them learn how to do so for themselves.

Hours for the spring semester begin Wednesday, January 24th, and are as follows: Monday-Friday from 9-5 and Sunday-Thursday, 7-10 PM.  
Appointments can be made by visiting ithaca.mywconline.com 

