Ithaca College Library - Reciprocal Lending with Cornell University Library.


Contributed by Bernard Hogben

The Ithaca College Library is pleased to announce the establishment of a reciprocal lending program with the Cornell University Library.

Ithaca College students, staff, and faculty are now eligible to apply for a local resident Cornell library card at no charge. This card, which must be renewed annually, allows the holder to borrow circulating materials from any of the Cornell libraries. Borrowed items are subject to these loan periods and permissions.

Applications for the card should be made at the Cornell Library Public Services Office, Olin Library Room 116, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. At that time, Cornell will require Ithaca College patrons to verify their current status by logging into their IC Library Argos Account. Ithaca College patrons must also present a current government-issued picture identification.

Cardholders from the Ithaca College community will communicate directly with the Cornell University Library about any account issues.

Cardholders can create an online Cornell Library account to verify item due dates and renew Cornell materials online. Overdue notices will be sent via email.

For questions not answered above, please contact Bernard Hogben, Access Services Manager.