Check out the 2018 Orientation issue of Student Health 101!


Contributed by Kristen Lind

Head to Student Health 101 to check out the go to guide for your journey through college. Student Health 101 is an online magazine featuring content exclusive to college students, featuring IC resources and events.

Register your email to receive updates about new articles direct to you each month.  You can also rate articles each month and get entered in the SH101 $1,000.00 raffle drawing!


SH101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion here at IC. For more tips on health and wellness, follow us on Twitter @icstudenthealth and on Instagram @iccenterforhealthpromotion



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kristen Lind at or (607) 274-3136. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.