Academic Building Evacuation Drills to Continue week of 2/12


Contributed by Charlie Sherman

Due to the inclement weather this week, emergency fire evacuation drills in academic buildings will continue the week of February 12-16.

As a result of the cold and snow experienced this week, Environmental Health and Safety staff were not able to complete all required fire evacuation drills in some of our academic buildings. We will attempt to finish the first round of drills for the year next week. As is always the case, when the fire alarm sounds, occupants are required to leave the building via the closest Exit, and remain outside until the fire department or Public Safety staff indicate that the building can be re-occupied. If faculty have special events or exams scheduled for next week, and we have not already conducted a drill in your building,please notify Fire and Building Safety Coordinator Charlie Sherman ( and every attempt will be made to avoid conflict. Please note that normal classes are not reason for consideration. Thank you for your cooperation in our efforts to keep the Ithaca College community safe.