IC Pagan Community Weekly Meetings


Contributed by Miranda Ella

Join us in our weekly discussions about Paganism Thursdays 5:30-6:30 in the Phillips Room in the Chapel!

As a community, we offer a relaxed, safe space to talk about nearly anything you're interested in, pagan-related or not!  We have members from a variety of pagan backgrounds ... some wiccans, neopagans, druids, and questioning.  You don't have to be pagan to join our meetings, and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Some themes we've had in the past are: spirituality, history of paganism, paganism and the LGBTQ+ community, divination, media vs. real life, and more!

Our weekly meetings are in the Phillips Room in the Chapel every Thursday evening 5:30-6:30.  


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Miranda Ella at mmeserve@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

