Don't miss out on this opportunity for a day of career development and networking right here on campus! Join us on Saturday, April 7th in Emerson Suites for the Life After Ithaca College conference!
What is your next step when it comes to planning your career and future, are you ready for the transition? Where are you going after you graduate? What are you doing to prepare for your future? Join us for "Life After Ithaca College," a conference for students, alumni and friends of the College to share their expertise. Breakout sessions will include benefits, health & fitness, transitioning to a new community, financial planning, career management, and many more.
The conference is free, and a fantastic resource for graduating students, but all students are welcome to attend. Business casual- attire is expected. Registration for this event is required. Please register no later than March 30, 2018 by logging into Handshake.
On-site check-in begins at 9:30 AM in Emerson Suites. Refreshments will be served in the morning and lunch will be provided in the afternoon.
Life After Ithaca College is a collaborative effort of Career Services, Alumni Relations, OSEMA, the Senior Class, School of Business, School of Music, School of Communications, School of Humanities and Sciences, and the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jennifer Pawlewicz at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.