FLEFF: Feature Length Animated Films from Iran and China


Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann

FLEFF expands its own media geographies this year with two feature-length animated films, one from Iran and one from China.

Once you see the trailer for TEHRAN TABOO (Ali Soozandeh, Germany/Austria/ Iran, 2018)and witness its artistry and lush animation, and then consider its deep look into resistant youth culture in Iran, you will probably rush down to Cinemapolis to nab a ticket.

TEHRAN TABOO is a gorgeously animated film that reveals the hypocrisies of modern Iranian society, where sex, drugs, and corruption coexist with strict religious law.

Thursday April 12 at 4 and 9:30 pm at Cinemapolis

Trailer here:  https://vimeo.com/217370073

We are also screening an extraordinary and hard-to-see Chinese animated film called HAVE A NICE DAY (Jian Liu, China, 2017) which is banned in China.

HAVE A NICE DAY tells the story of a young driver who steals from a gang boss to correct his girlfriend’s plastic surgery.

Thursday April 12 at 4  and Sat April 14 at 8:30 p.m. at Cinemapolis

 Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78SDbacprPM


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