FLEFF is screening four films that explore China and Southeast Asia, from crime, to labor, to migrants, to elephants
Have a Nice Day (Jian Liu, China, 2017)Animated Chinese film about a young driver who steals from a gang boss to correct his girlfriend’s plastic surgery
Thurs April 12 at 4, Sat at 9:40 at Cinemapolis
Pop Eye (Kirsten Tan, Singapore/Thailand, 2017) Unhappy architect bumps into his long lost elephant in Bangkok, and takes it in search of the farm where they grew up
Thurs April 12 at 7:50 at Cinemapolis
Remittance (Joel Fendelman and Patrick Daly, US/Singapore, 2015) Deserted by her husband, working as a maid in Singapore, Marie has to decide between aspiration and responsibility
Sat April 14 at 10 a.m.
at Cinemapolis
Bitter Money (Wang Bing, China, 2016) The lives of China’s internal migrants working for long hours in noisy, stifling garment factories
Sunday at 7 p.m. at Cinemapolis
All screenings are ticketed
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