Vashti Sawtelle gives a talk for the Department of Physics & Astronomy Fall Seminar Series:


Contributed by Jill Ackerman

Please join us as Vashti Sawtelle, Assistant Professor Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lyman Briggs College gives a talk entitled: Imposter Syndrome: Do I belong here?

Ever worried that you were not as smart or as capable as people think you are? Despite having good grades, earned awards, received promotions and opportunities have you felt that you don’t belong? If so, you might have experienced feelings of “imposter syndrome” which a feeling that is especially prevalent in institutions of higher education. In this seminar I will introduce the psychological construct of imposter syndrome, describe some of the implications it has on our work and participation, and suggest some strategies for managing the feeling when it arises. Tuesday, September 18 2018 12:10 - 1:00 CNS 206B Pizza will be provided for $1 Please bring your own drinking cup. Reduce, reuse recycle. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the department Assistant at