New section of ICIC 12000 Insight minicourse added


Contributed by Gordon Rowland


ICIC 12000-03 Insight: Being Human

Description: What does it mean to be a human being? Who are we, and who do we wish to become?

Instructors: Gordon Rowland and Ali Erkan

TR4-5:15 August 30 - October 4

CRN 23840


This course and other 1-credit IC2 mini-courses are:

* short courses that help you make connections between what you are studying in courses inside and outside your majors

* filled with activities and hands-on learning; no lectures

* helpful in making learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* one credit and graded pass/fail

Any three of the IC2 mini-courses count as a Humanities or Social Sciences perspective in any theme.




To register, select (IC)2 Integrated Curriculum, the first subject area listed in HomerConnect when you do a search.