Seniors- Do you plan on participating in the fountain jump during Senior Week?


Contributed by Samantha Stafford

If you plan on participating in the tradition you've been waiting for since you arrived, make sure to fill out this form by the end of the day:!

You can log into the form using your Ithaca College Username and Netpass. By filling out the form you will be guaranteed a Senior Week T-shirt before the event and be able to participate in the BBQ before the jump. The date of the fountain jump is Wednesday, May 16 and the BBQ starts on the Campus Center Quad at 12pm. Both the BBQ and the Jump will be open to all seniors that day, but this form helps the Senior Week Committee prepare for the event. The form closes at the end of the day on Friday, April 20. 


If you have any questions or are in need of accommodations, please contact Senior Week at